>>2017年6月15日 アップデートのお知らせ
1)パソコンから http://www.axoninc.com にアクセスします。
2)「Software Updates」をクリックします。
3)ページの上部に表示される「Windows (Japanese) 日本語版」をクリックします。
>>2007年4月27日 SOLO 日本語版のトラブルシューティング
ForeSight & Company provides the Japanese version of the documentation software “SOLO” as a logical thinking and a presentation tool.
This software was developed by the consultants in the famous consulting firm, who at present run Axon Inc. in the USA.
It contributes to the analysis for problem finding toward the solution development and for making the convincing presentation materials or effective sales materials.
Due to these features, many professionals use SOLO regularly as their preferable tool.
┃SOLO as a Logical Thinking Tool and a Presentation Tool
Using over 450 templates of graph chart, concept chart, and clip art of SOLO, we can produce the charts with comprehensible explanations from the quantitative and qualitative data.
Visual figures, such as concept chart, table chart, and graph chart make it possible to think carefully about the meaning of the fact, which leads the advanced, meaningful analysis.
Using SOLO documents with the consistent logical analysis, the important message from the analysis will be firmly comprehended in any type of materials such as market report, corporate finance analysis, presentation material for corporate change, sales approach material, and so on.
┃Show to get English Version of SOLO
If you are interested in purchasing English version of SOLO, please visit Axon’s website.
┃Try SOLO for 30 days (Free)
30 days evaluation version of SOLO is available free of charge for those who want to try SOLO before the purchase.